Max Warner Economist & Programmer

I am an economist with a strong interest in programming. This website documents some of the projects I have worked on over the years.

Professional Projects

How much was spent on public services in your area in 2022-23?

A tool that allows people to explore new estimates of funding and relative spending needs for a range of public services in each upper-tier local authority in England in 2022-23.

What could happpen to NHS waiting lists in England?

A tool that allows people to explore how NHS waiting lists in England could change under different assumptions.

Winner of the 2022 Harding Prize for Trustworthy Communication (Public Audience). Described by judges as a 'ground breaking' piece of communication. 'Playing with this tool, I feel I have seen the future in democratising the models which increasingly shape our lives.'

Personal Projects

Miscellaneous personal projects and experiments, in no way related to my employer.


A mathematical programming language parsed and interpreted in pure Java.

A fun and challenging technical project, rather than a serious proposal of a new language! Very much work in progress.

Model Toolkit

A desktop program for evaluating and analysing mathematical and economic models.


A customisable personal dashboard.

Link (image coming soon)


In the more distant past, I have developed video games in programming competitions, built study tools (e.g. Cloze generator), scraped daily price data from Amazon, built Wordpress websites for small businesses and built web applications in PHP.